Responsible for the content:

Daniela Rettenwander
Wieben 20
6393 St. Ulrich am Pillersee

Phone: +43 (0) 664 7503 2033


Conception, hosting and creation of the Internet presence:

IT Solution AIN-Company
6391 Fieberbrunn


Austrian business conditions apply to the hotel industry.

Picture credits:
Mathäus Gartner,,
Mirja Geh,
Stefan Ringler,
Petra Astner

All content has been carefully checked. Nevertheless, no guarantee is given for the correctness, completeness and actuality of the data.

All texts, graphics and pictures (source: TVB PillerseeTal, Kitzbühler Alpen, prMathäus Gartner,, Mirja Geh, Stefan Ringler,
Petra Astner) are protected by copyright. The use of these is only permitted with the express permission of

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